[R] 正在连接到 newtypewyi.1500mb.com -> DNS=newtypewyi.1500mb.com IP= PORT=21
[R] 已连接到 newtypewyi.1500mb.com
[R] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------
[R] 220-You are user number 22 of 100 allowed.
[R] 220-Local time is now 06:46. Server port: 21.
[R] 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
[R] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[R] 220 You will be disconnected after 5 minutes of inactivity.
[R] USER newtypewyi
[R] 331 User newtypewyi OK. Password required
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] 530 Login authentication failed
[R] 连接失败
[R] 正在延迟 120 秒,在此之后将尝试第 1 次重新连接
